The Town of Ashford, granted prerogatives by the Connecticut General Court in October of 1714, has, as has been the case with most northeast Connecticut towns, undergone the growing pains associated with rural, agricultural communities. Through the Town Meeting process, we branded our horses with the number 3 (as granted by the Connecticut General Court), ran our sheep on the Common, yoked and ringed our Hogs, established a bounty on rattlesnakes and agreed that all Rams shall be shut up from the tenth day of August next till the first day of November following. On January 6th in the year 1778, the Town Meeting unanimously voted to uphold the Articles of Confederation and the concept of perpetual union as proposed by the Congress.
Looking out of the cupola atop the new municipal office building, one has the opportunity to imagine the Ashford that was, the Ashford that is, and the Ashford that will be.
From the cupola we see many of Ashford’s churches, the new fire station and the homes and outbuildings that dot our landscape. More importantly, we see the roads, the rivers, the brooks and ponds and hills and valleys that make up our town. Whatever the season, it is evident that Ashford citizens have strong ties to their farming community. Roads, laid by committees elected at the Annual Town Meeting, were obviously configured to provide local farmers with the fastest, safest routes to market and direct routes from Hartford to Boston and Providence.
The settlers of the 1600-1700’s, the Central and Eastern Europeans of the 1800-1900’s, the people who gravitated to Northeast Connecticut during the 1950’s and 1960’s because of the University of Connecticut or job opportunities in the insurance industry or at Pratt & Whitney, all contributed to the Ashford that we see today.

PROFILE Zip: 06278 Incorporated: 1714 Area: 39.5 square miles Form of Government: Town Meeting / Board of Selectmen Mill Rate: 34.767 |
Animal Control | (860)487-4402 |
Assessor | (860)487-4403 |
Economic Development | (860)779-5342 |
Fire Department | (860)492-9862 |
Fire Marshal | (860)429-6222 |
Library | (860)487-4420 |
Parks & Recreation | (860)487-4409 |
Police – Connecticut State Police, Troop C | (860)896-3200 |
Tax Collector | (860)487-4411 |
Town Clerk | (860)487-4401 |
Town Hall | (860)487-4400 |
Selectmen | (860)487-4400 |
Transfer Station | (860)429-3409 |
Ashford School | (860)429-6419 |
E.O. Smith High School | (860)487-0877 |
Windham Technical School | (860)456-3879 |
Superintendent’s Office – Ashford School | (860)449-1927 ext.365 |
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